Artists and Models (1937) on DVD + Artists and Models Abroad (1938) DVD-R

Artists and Models (1937) on DVD + Artists and Models Abroad (1938) DVD-R

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Carousel (1956) (DVD) + Carousel (1967) (DVD-R)

Captain Blood (1935) (DVD) + Captain Blood (1960) (DVD-R) + The Son of Captain Blood (1962) (DVD-R)

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Get the original film, Captain Blood (1935) + the remake, Captain Blood (1960) + the sequel, The Son of Captain Blood (1962) for 20% their individual prices!

Captain Blood (1935)

Errol Flynn, Olivia De Havilland, Basil Rathbone, Ross Alexander, Lionel Atwill
Directed by Michael Curtiz

Print: Black/White
Runtime: 119 min.
Genre: Action/Adventure

A young doctor is abducted, sold into slavery and then finds romance in this epic that made Flynn a star!

Captain Blood (1960)

Jean Marais, Bourvil, Elsa Martinelli ,Pierrette Bruno,Lise Delamare
Directed by André Hunebelle

Print: Color
Runtime: 111 min.
Genre: Action/Adventure

The young King Louis XIII is dominated by his mother Marie de Medici and her favorite Concino Concini . Francois de Capestang, a faithful knight falls for the daughter of the Duke of Angouleme that conspires against the Crown by his side.

The Son of Captain Blood (1962)

Sean Flynn, Alessandra Panaro, Ann Todd, Jose Nieto, Roberto Camardiel
Directed by Tulio Demicheli

Print: Color
Runtime: 88 min.
Genre: Action/Adventure

The son of a notorious pirate is placed on the path of righteousness by his love for a beautiful young woman.

Get the original film, Captain Blood (1935) + the remake, Captain Blood (1960) + the sequel, The Son of Captain Blood (1962) for 20% their individual prices!

Captain Blood (1935)

Errol Flynn, Olivia De Havilland, Basil Rathbone, Ross Alexander, Lionel Atwill
Directed by Michael Curtiz

Print: Black/White
Runtime: 119 min.
Genre: Action/Adventure

A young doctor is abducted, sold into slavery and then finds romance in this epic that made Flynn a star!

Captain Blood (1960)

Jean Marais, Bourvil, Elsa Martinelli ,Pierrette Bruno,Lise Delamare
Directed by André Hunebelle

Print: Color
Runtime: 111 min.
Genre: Action/Adventure

The young King Louis XIII is dominated by his mother Marie de Medici and her favorite Concino Concini . Francois de Capestang, a faithful knight falls for the daughter of the Duke of Angouleme that conspires against the Crown by his side.

The Son of Captain Blood (1962)

Sean Flynn, Alessandra Panaro, Ann Todd, Jose Nieto, Roberto Camardiel
Directed by Tulio Demicheli

Print: Color
Runtime: 88 min.
Genre: Action/Adventure

The son of a notorious pirate is placed on the path of righteousness by his love for a beautiful young woman.

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Product Name Captain Blood (1935) (DVD) + Captain Blood (1960) (DVD-R) + The Son of Captain Blood (1962) (DVD-R)
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