Starring Robert Woods, Frank Brana, Nieves Navaroo, Carlo Gaddi, Ernesto Colli
Directed by Mario Bianchi
Print: Color
Runtime: 94 min
Genre: Western
Language: English language version
Ginsburg, undercover as Jonathan Pinkerton, an employee of Lloyds of London, is investigating a bank robbery where one of the three thieves has killed the other two to take possession of all the money.
Starring Robert Woods, Frank Brana, Nieves Navaroo, Carlo Gaddi, Ernesto Colli
Directed by Mario Bianchi
Print: Color
Runtime: 94 min
Genre: Western
Language: English language version
Ginsburg, undercover as Jonathan Pinkerton, an employee of Lloyds of London, is investigating a bank robbery where one of the three thieves has killed the other two to take possession of all the money.