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The Devil's Holiday (1930) DVD-R

Availability: In stock

Starring Nancy Carroll, Phillips Holmes, James Kirkwood, Hobart
Bosworth, Ned Sparks
Directed by Edmund Goulding

Print: black/white
Runtime: 80 min.
Genre: drama
Print Quality: B

Nancy Carroll brings a touch of freshness to the well-worn plot
convolutions of Devil's Holiday. Ms. Carroll plays a manicurist who woos
and weds wealthy Phillips Holmes. She tells herself that she harbors no
mercenary notions, but when Holmes' family offers to buy her off if she'll
leave, Carroll accepts the offer. The girl's basic loyalty surfaces when
Holmes goes temporarily insane; Carroll reneges on her cash deal with
the family and returns to her husband. Devil's Holiday is one of those
class-conscious early 1930s pictures that always scored a hit with
middle-class filmgoers, who liked to believe that they, too, would behave
as altruistically as Nancy Carroll if given the chance.


Starring Nancy Carroll, Phillips Holmes, James Kirkwood, Hobart
Bosworth, Ned Sparks
Directed by Edmund Goulding

Print: black/white
Runtime: 80 min.
Genre: drama
Print Quality: B

Nancy Carroll brings a touch of freshness to the well-worn plot
convolutions of Devil's Holiday. Ms. Carroll plays a manicurist who woos
and weds wealthy Phillips Holmes. She tells herself that she harbors no
mercenary notions, but when Holmes' family offers to buy her off if she'll
leave, Carroll accepts the offer. The girl's basic loyalty surfaces when
Holmes goes temporarily insane; Carroll reneges on her cash deal with
the family and returns to her husband. Devil's Holiday is one of those
class-conscious early 1930s pictures that always scored a hit with
middle-class filmgoers, who liked to believe that they, too, would behave
as altruistically as Nancy Carroll if given the chance.


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