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Navajo Trail Riders (1949) DVD-R

The Naked Dawn (1955) DVD-R

Availability: In stock

Starring Arthur Kennedy, Betta St. John, Eugene Iglesias, Charlita, Roy
Engel, Tony Martinez
Directed by Edgar G. Ulmer

Print: color
Runtime: 82 min.
Genre: western
Print Quality: B

Santiago, a jolly modern bandito, has just lost his partner when he
happens on the isolated farm of young Manuel and Maria Lopez. Manuel's
aid is enlisted in what develops into a violent encounter with Santiago's
fence. Exposed to money, the fast life, and Santiago's anarchistic
philosophy, Manuel (formerly simple and hardworking) is in serious
danger of being corrupted (and Maria is not immune either)..

Starring Arthur Kennedy, Betta St. John, Eugene Iglesias, Charlita, Roy
Engel, Tony Martinez
Directed by Edgar G. Ulmer

Print: color
Runtime: 82 min.
Genre: western
Print Quality: B

Santiago, a jolly modern bandito, has just lost his partner when he
happens on the isolated farm of young Manuel and Maria Lopez. Manuel's
aid is enlisted in what develops into a violent encounter with Santiago's
fence. Exposed to money, the fast life, and Santiago's anarchistic
philosophy, Manuel (formerly simple and hardworking) is in serious
danger of being corrupted (and Maria is not immune either)..

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Product Name The Naked Dawn (1955) DVD-R
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